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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

-Robert Frost


In 2011, I made a leap of faith, diving into a career that I had no prior knowledge or experience in. Today, I am here to share with you why this is the best career decision I have ever made and how you could soon be writing your own success story.


In 2011, I was a fresh graduate from NUS holding a Bachelor’s degree in Science. At that time, my prospects were limited and the competition was intense. I would have probably been able to find work in an R&D firm or company laboratory for a fixed salary of between $2500 and $3000 a month. It wasn’t an enticing pay cheque by any means and I had bigger dreams for myself. I wanted more out of my life, something that I know a bigger salary would give me. It wasn’t just about the money though. In my chosen field, a mere degree would mean remaining static as a laboratory technician or assistant until I attained, at the very minimum, a PhD.


I was grappling with a dilemma: should I settle for a comfortable fixed paying job or plunge myself into a whole different world that offered no ground to fall back on but at the same time no ceiling to stop my progress?

Now, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with the field that I majored in and I highly recommend it for those with the aptitude for science and a thirst for knowledge. But, having pushed myself in university for close to five years, I knew that it wasn’t for me.


I wanted something more.


So, I took that plunge.


The field I dived headfirst into was insurance. Yes, that much maligned industry with a high turnover rate and multiple image problems. But, hear me out.


In my first year, I achieved a low six-figure income. Compared to most of my peers, it was a good achievement for a fresh graduate. I cleared all my debts and achieved a comfortable lifestyle while still being able to support my family.


I also qualified for the Million Dollar Club and was the top rookie financial planner in my organisation.


Why Insurance?


So, you might be wondering why I stepped into the world of insurance, with its shady characters and questionable business dealings. To be fair, these are only the few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch.


For starters, I have always enjoyed talking to and meeting new people from all walks of life. Listening to their stories and sharing not just their joy, but also their woes, opened my mind to new and interesting insights and ideas. While doing all of this, I also have the opportunity to help them with their financial goals. 


One of the cases closest to my heart was a humble family that had barely any insurance coverage. They were initially resistant to the idea of insurance but I plugged away, believing that they could truly benefit from a few policies. I guess they sensed my sincerity because they did take up a few insurance policies.


Within a few months, a terrible accident happened and the initial hospital bill came out to be about S$300,000, with a few costly follow-up medical consultations. It was one of my finest moments to reassure him: “Don’t worry my friend, I have you covered.”.


Every now and then during coffee sessions with friends and clients, I hear stories about retrenchments that happen. One of my best friends, a healthy 28-year-old, was retrenched twice in his short career through no fault of his own. The company was bought over and the department is streamlined; “restructuring” and I say this with big quotation marks; cost cutting measures. Is there really an iron rice bowl today in this day and age? I don’t think so.


These days, the best security that you can have is to start your own business. You decide how big you want your business to grow. You decide how much effort you put in. The best part: you can see with your very own eyes the fruit of your labour. You’re working for your own benefit, not for the benefit of others.


What I can Do For You


I have walked the walk and I have talked the talk. I am not about to promise you that things will be a breeze. Quite the opposite.


I am offering you a challenge. A challenge to overcome adversity and emerge rewarded, not just financially but also meaningfully and making an actual difference to the lives of others. 


I am offering you to work as hard as you can, while you still can. 


I am offering you a chance to be free from the glass ceiling of the corporate ladder.


I am offering my mentorship, an experience forged from almost half a decade in the industry.


I am offering you the chance to write your own story, free from the constraints of the never-ending rat race.


It won’t be easy. But, nothing good in life ever comes easy. What I can guarantee is that the sights along the journey make it worthwhile.


Will you be successful? Only if you want to be.


Will it be fun? As fun as you want it to be.


Will it be memorable? Definitely, as long as you want it to be.




Financial Planner








Investor Night

Metropolis, Buona Vista

AXA Career Talk

3 Lady Hill Road, Singapore

AXA Career Talk

3 Lady Hill Road, Singapore

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